
Showing posts from July, 2016

Using DEFAULT clause for populating Surrogate Keys

In Oracle Database 12 c , a suite of improvements has been implemented around the DEFAULT clause for table columns. A sequence value can now be assigned as the default value for a column. With one simple command, we can remove the need for triggers for populating Surrogate Keys. Creating a DB Trigger: SQL> create or replace   2  trigger TRG_SALES_SURROGATE_KEY   3  before insert on SALES   4  for each row   5  begin   6    :new.SALE_SEQ := SEQ_SALES.nextval;   7  end;   8  /   Trigger created.   Inserting 10 million rows for testing the Insert time.   SQL> insert /*+ APPEND */ into SALES   2  select rownum, ...   3  from   4   ( select 1 from dual connect by level <= 10000 ),   5   ( select 1 from dual connect by level <= 1000 )   6  /   10000000 rows created.   Elapsed: 00:06:37.75 Now, disabled the trigger and used DEFAULT clause to INSERT 10 million records and also to populate the SALES_SEQ column in SALES table. SQL> alter t